Thursday, October 26, 2006

100 Snatches with 24kg KB in under 4 minutes

[ Picture of me snatching a 32kg KB during the 2004 Washington State KB Championship. My brother Mike took this, catching me just as I was about to "punch" the handle around the bell. ]

Decided to do a 100 rep snatch test today. I've done this before with a 16kg KB and I was planning on doing it with a 20kg KB next, but after getting my 24 kg Competition KB, I decided to give it a go.

I did about a 5 minute warm-up of snatches and overhead squats with a 25# bar, and some snatches with a 16kg KB. I then did 100 snatches with the 16kg in 3 minutes and 10 seconds. Rep breakdown (R/L) was 20/20/15/15/15/15. Went about 75-80% effort.

Took a seven minute break and then did 100 snatches with the 24kg Comp KB. Did 15 right, 15 left, then put the KB down for 5 seconds and did a MacKensie Back bend. Then did another 15/15 set and another back bend. Finished with 4 sets of 10 reps. My goal was to finish under 4 minutes which I was able to do, doing the 100 reps in 3 minutes 55 seconds.

Decided to do a foot/# calculation for the work done. This is an estimate only, as I don't claim to be an expert at this. I just want to do it so I can compare my own workloads. This is a way I can calculate the loads of different exercises with different weights.

Snatch 53# KB six feet = 318 ft/#, times 100 = 31,800 ft/#s of work.
Body (230#) moves 6" up/down = 115 ft/#, times 100 reps = 11,500 ft/#s of work
31,800 + 11,500 = 43,300 ft/# divided by 235 seconds = 184 ft/# of work a second.

My back feels great, which is always my top concern, so I consider this test a success. Next time I am going to either do 200 reps with the 1 pood or maybe 150 reps with the 20kg KB. I'll continue to build my volume with the 24kg Comp KB, and will get my 100 rep time below 3:30 before doing a 150 rep test. Doing more high rep sets of high pulls with the 32kg Competition KB should be added also.


Blogger Fireman Tom said...

Sorry Rif,

have been trying to make a big push to finish my KBs for Firefighters DVD

8:52 PM  

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