Sunday, April 15, 2007

Drop Set LC Hell....

[ the picture above is of a gym in Latvia, near where the 2006 Kettlebell Sport World Championships were held.]

Did a drop set of Long Cycle Clean and Jerks, which is doing the LC with a pair of heavier KBs, then going a bit lighter, then a bit lighter. This method of training for KBs is outlined in the original KB book by Pavel, The Russian Kettlebell Challenge.

Warm up with 1 arm C&Js with 35#, 44# and 53# KBs, 5-10 reps a hand.

2-53# KBs 2 minutes, 20 reps
2 -44# KBs 2 minutes, 20 reps
2-35# KBs 2 minutes, 24 reps

6 minutes of Hell. Tried to go as fast as form allowed.

Took a 4 minute break, then I did multiple sets of Six Guns (partial Cleans) with a pair of 53# KBs (20-25 reps).

Finished with some Farmer's walks with the 53# KBs. Did some overhead Holds and Rack holds as well as Outside low swings with the 53# KBs to work my grip.

The workout was about 25 minutes. Did a 20 minute workout yesterday and recovered well from it. I'm continuing to keep my workouts short and sweet. I seem to recover better, and am able to train 5-6 days a week this way. Will bring my 70# KB Comp KB to work tomorrow and do some 1 arm Jerks, swing and LC work.


Blogger Marko Suomi said...

Hi Tom!

Actally, that gym is from Riga's center, I think some Latvian GS team trains there, along with boxers and oly lifters. I know because I took the pic :) The competition was in Ogre, in a more modern indoor hall.

The gym itself was one of the greatest I've ever seen, true old-school.

Nice set by the way! Are you competing in the NAKF nationals?

2:39 AM  
Blogger Mark Reifkind said...

nice work tom, that musta stung!lol.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

Look at all those bells! :)

9:24 PM  
Blogger Fireman Tom said...


great picture and thanks for putting it on the NAKF website. Thanks for clarifing the details!


10:30 PM  

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