Thursday, May 24, 2007

Finally... 10 minutes with two 35# KBs in the LC

[ above is a picture of a set of Professional KBs that I hope to receive later this month. They are all the same size, but vary in weight, from 12kg (26#) to 32kg (70#). They are color-coded, with the 12kg is colored blue, the 16kg is yellow, the 24kg is green and the 32kg is red.]


Finally did the full ten minutes in the Long Cycle with two 35#/16kg KBs [without putting them down, for the uninitiated.] I set my pace at 8 reps a minute, and was able to push it a bit on the last minute and I finished with 83 reps. The best part is that I felt fine the next day; no soreness in my joints and/or muscles. Feeling more comfortable in the rack position, but due to my chest size (from years of heavy benching) and wide shoulders, my rack position will never be as good as most KB athletes.

The next step will be to drop down to doing some 8 minute sets with a faster pace. First I'll do 9 reps a minute, then 10 reps a minute. When I can do 100+ reps in 10 minutes, I'll move up to the 44#/20 kg KBs for my timed sets. My plan is to start at 6 minutes at around 8 reps a minute, building gradually up to 10 minutes and 100+ reps. Then the 53#/24kg KBs will be my tools of choice... Hopefully my Professional set of KBs will be coming soon, which are what are used at official KB Competitions. My set will include a pair of 26#, 35#, 53# and 70# KBs (12, 16, 24, 32kg).

Monday, May 14, 2007

Some recent training

[ Above is a row of KBs, from 26# to 88#.]

Have been overloaded as of late with professional dealings and personal matters, but here's some KB training sessions I've done to get back in the "swing" of training.

Snatch Only workout
Warm up with 12 and 16kg kbs (26# and 35#)
6 minute Set with 44#/20kg KB (3 R/3L)
-- 16 RPM Pace, 48 R and 48 L.
Rest 4 minutes.
6 minute Set with 35#/16kg KB (3 R/3 L)
--- 20 RPM Pace, 60 R and 60L.


1 Arm LCC&J Only workout
10 minute warm up with KBs, 35# to 53#, mix of 5-10 rep sets.
10 minutes with 53#/24kg KB (didn't put down) 3R, 3L,2R, 2L.
--- 8 RPM Pace, 40 R and 40 L.
Rest 5 minutes.
10 minutes with 44#/20kg KB (didn't put down) 5 R then 5 L.
--- 10 RPM Pace, 50 R and 50 L.



Variety workout while out-of-town.
25 minutes cleans, jerks, snatches and long cycle.
35#/16kg and 53#/24kg KB.
Sets of 10-25 reps with minimal rest.



LCC&J only workout
Two 35#/16kg KBs
5 minute set, 10 RPM Pace, 50 reps.
rest 5 minutes
5 minute set, 10 PRM Pace, 50 reps.


I will be slowly (and safely) building up my reps, time, pace and volume with te Long Cycle Clean and Jerk of two KBs, which I am still planning on competing with in November. Doing it with a pair of 70# KBs is quite an endeavor, so it will take patience and persistence in my training. It would be very easy to hurt myself by going too hard, too soon.